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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Edge 238 - "Social Networks Are Like The Eye" Nicholas Christakis

"Best three or four hours of intense, enlightening reading you can do for the new year. Read it now." - San Francisco Chronicle

Edge 238 — February 25, 2008 — (7,500 words)

This online EDGE edition with links and EDGE Video is available at:


It is customary to think about fashions in things like clothes or music
as spreading in a social network. But it turns out that all kinds of
things, many of them quite unexpected, can flow through social networks,
and this process obeys certain rules we are seeking to discover. We?ve
been investigating the spread of obesity through a network, the spread
of smoking cessation through a network, the spread of happiness through
a network, the spread of loneliness through a network, the spread of
altruism through a network. And we have been thinking about these kinds
of things while also keeping an eye on the fact that networks do not
just arise from nothing or for nothing. Very interesting rules
determine their structure.

A Talk with Nicholas A. Christakis
EDGE Video


On of the oft-repeated phrases on EDGE is "New Technologies=New
Perceptions". As we create tools we recreate ourselves. In the digital
information age, we have moved from thinking about silicon, transistors,
and microprocessors, to redefining, to the edge of creating life itself.
As we have seen in recent editions of EDGE — "Life: What A Concept!"
(Freeman Dyson, Craig Venter, George Church, Robert Shapiro, Dimitar Sasselov,
Seth Lloyd) at Eastover Farm in August, "Life: A Gene-Centric View"(Richard
Dawkins and Craig Venter) in Munich in January; "Engineering Biology"
(Drew Endy) in our most recent edition — we are redefining who and what we are.

Such scientific explorations are not limited to biology. Recently,
Harvard professor and sociologist Nicholas Christakis has shown that
there's more to think about regarding social networks such as Facebook,
MySpace, Flickr, and Twitter than considerations of advertising and
revenue models. According to TH NEW YORK TIMES, ("On Facebook,
Scholars Link Up With Data", by Stephanie Rosenbloom 12.17.07):

"Each day about 1,700 juniors at an East Coast college log on to to accumulate "friends," compare movie preferences,
share videos and exchange cybercocktails and kisses. Unwittingly,
these students have become the subjects of academic research. To
study how personal tastes, habits and values affect the formation of
social relationships (and how social relationships affect tastes,
habits and values), a team of researchers from Harvard and the
University of California, Los Angeles, are monitoring the Facebook
profiles of an entire class of students at one college, which they
declined to name because it could compromise the integrity of their

Christakis notes that he is "interested not in biological contagion, but
in social contagion. One possible mechanism is that I observe you and
you begin to display certain behaviors that I then copy. For example,
you might start running and then I might start running. Or you might
invite me to go running with you. Or you might start eating certain
fatty foods and I might start copying that behavior and eat fatty foods.
Or you might take me with you to restaurants where I might eat fatty
foods. What spreads from person to person is a behavior, and it is the
behavior that we both might exhibit that then contributes to our changes
in body size. So, the spread of behaviors from person to person might
cause or underlie the spread of obesity."

In a page one story in THE NEW YORK TIMES last summer ("Find Yourself
Packing It On? Blame Friends" 7.26.07), Gina Kolata noted:

"Obesity can spread from person to person, much like a virus,
researchers are reporting today. When one person gains weight, close
friends tend to gain weight, too.

"Their study, published in THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE,
involved a detailed analysis of a large social network of 12,067
people who had been closely followed for 32 years, from 1971 to 2003.

"The investigators knew who was friends with whom as well as who was
a spouse or sibling or neighbor, and they knew how much each person
weighed at various times over three decades. That let them
reconstruct what happened over the years as individuals became
obese. Did their friends also become obese? Did family members? Or

"The answer, the researchers report, was that people were most likely
to become obese when a friend became obese. That increased a
person?s chances of becoming obese by 57 percent. There was no
effect when a neighbor gained or lost weight, however, and family
members had less influence than friends.

"It did not even matter if the friend was hundreds of miles away, the
influence remained. And the greatest influence of all was between
close mutual friends. There, if one became obese, the other had a
171 percent increased chance of becoming obese, too." ...

Chtistakis, along with his colleague James Fowler, "have started with
several projects that seek to understand the processes of contagion, and
we have also begun a body of work looking at the processes of network
formation ? how structure starts and why it changes. We have made some
empirical discoveries about the nature of contagion within networks. And
also, in the latter case, with respect to how networks arise, we imagine
that the formation of networks obeys certain fundamental biological,
genetic, physiological, sociological, and technological rules. "

"So we have been investigating both what causes networks to form and how
networks operate."

— JB

EDGE Video

NICHOLAS A. CHRISTAKIS, a physician and sociologist, is a Professor at Harvard University with joint appointments in the Departments of Health Care Policy, Sociology, and Medicine. For the last ten years, he has been studying social networks.


This online EDGE edition with links and EDGE Video is available at:

Edge Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit private operating foundation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

John Brockman, Editor and Publisher
Russell Weinberger, Associate Publisher
Karla Taylor, Editorial Assistant

Copyright (c) 2008 by EDGE Foundation, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

Published by EDGE Foundation, Inc.,
5 East 59th Street, New York, NY 10022

EDGE Newsbytes:

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE: "The world's finest minds have responded with some of the most insightful, humbling, fascinating confessions and anecdotes, an intellectual treasure trove. ... Best three or four hours of intense, enlightening reading you can do for the new year. Read it now."

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: "These are thoughts to make jaws drop...Nobody at Eastover Farm seemed afraid of a eugenic revival. What in German circles would have released violent controversies, here drifts by unopposed under mighty maple trees that gently whisper in the breeze."

SUEDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG: "'Life: What A Concept' was one of those memorable events that people in years to come will see as a crucial moment in history. After all, it's where the dawning of the age of biology was officially announced."

PUBLICO (Lisbon): "Edge: brilliant, essential and addictive. The result of this ambitious venture, for those who have already experienced navigating the web pages of, is not only brilliant, but addictive. It interprets, it interrogates, it provokes. Each text can be a world in itself."

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